Bible Enrichment
Here at Central we encourage in-home Bible studies where members open up there homes to family, friends, and neighbors to learn Bible truths which form the pillars of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We also have on site Bible classes that enlighten and equip individuals to experience a deeper walk with God.
Ongoing- Sabbath School Classes 9:30am every Sabbath. We encourage everyone to come to Central early and study God's word ( Everyone has something to share).
Discipleship classes will be resuming in April 2016 - A simplified and more practical approach to this Biblical view of what being a Christian really means. We will meet the 4th Sabbath of each month. A meal will be provided for those who attend.
Gospel Commission, Ministy, Outreach
Revelation 3:14-22
The Church of Laodicea had one major problem...They couldn't see ther problem. They couldn't see their need and they couldn't see the need of the lost. Jesus stands at the door of our hearts knocking, wanting to have fellowship with us and create within us a passion for His presence. The sure result of this is also a deep desire to let everyone know of His soon return.
Want to get involved in outreach?
Join the Glow team, Distribute flyers for upcoming events, start a Center of Influence, join the PRAYER team! What is your passion??? Contact Richard Hernandez or Reggie Velasco.
Fellowship & Support
What is Cental? A multi-cultural church that feels more like family. Love should be the foundation of every family and with that comes fellowship and support. We need to get together more often to laugh, cry, study, and conquer. There ia a place for everyone here where everyone has a place,
Ladies - Women's Ministry
Men- Courageous Men's Ministry
Youth - Ministry/Pathfinders/Bible study groups
Children- Adventures
Families - Families for Christ/Seminars for parents/Nature/Socials
Motorheads - Sabbath Keepers Motorcycle Ministry
Encouragers- Shut in visitation
Community & Church Family Services
Our Community Services department distributes food to an average of 70 - 80 families each Tuesday from 9am - 12pm. We are also just as passionate about our own church members though which is why we encourage you to reach out if you need help with food.
For those who fill out a short form, we will open up the community services department immediately following church services to help you with your need.
Please call the church and let us know so that the following Sabbath we will have something ready for you!!